Documentaries: Case study

In order to get a good idea on what the codes and conventions of a documentary are i watched a verity of different documentaries in order to produce the best documentary possible. As i was watching these i would write down notes which allowed me to produce a documentary with these codes and conventions which would be attractable to my target audience. Here are the different documentaries which i watched:

Zero Hour: The Massacre at Columbine High School

This documentary is about real life events where two school boys took part in an horrific event at a shoot out at there high school. Some may find it disturbing and upsetting, saying this you would expect anyone over the ages of 18 to watch it, this because it contains real life footage of the events which may be inappropriate for anyone younger. As it contains real life events this is beneficial to me as in my documentary i am using real life footage of the events which took place when Brexit occurred. This allowed me to obtain the knowledge of how to use real life footage carefully using the right camera angles. Below is the documentary including this footage.

Also in this documentary it includes real interviews with the mother of one of the school boys who was one of the killers in the shooting. This is an emotional interview as it shows the pain which it has caused the mother. As it is a sad and horrific event they have set the scene for the interview with dark lighting. My documentary also includes interviews from real life individuals, by watching this documentary allowed me to gather information about the different lighting and camera angles. Below is the interview from the mother of one of the boys. 

This is a documentary allowed me to gain the knowledge of different codes and conventions of what should be included into a documentary. The main help with these documentaries was the use of the real life footage and the live interviews about real life events.

Planet Earth : Wild Russia 

This is a documentary which i am extremely intrested in, it shows real life footage which you do not normally see on other programmes. With the use of excellent camera angles and sounds, this documentary is a incite to the worlds wildlife. Here is a collection of some of the camera angles from planet earth.

In my opinion the target audience for this documentaries would be adults. I believe this this is a show which attracts many viewers. Throughout this documentary there is a voice over from the famous David Attenbrough, this is also another convention which i will be using in my documentary, as i shown clips of real life footage from London which Mr Lefroys voice over.  This documentary also uses a unique soundtrack which is very recognizable. It is important that the right type of music is used. As Planet earth is a series it contains similar music throughout. This is the soundtrack used by planet earth.

This was a very beneficial documentary as it includes a verity of techniques which i will be using in my documentary.

Major Fraud - Who wants to be a millionaire 

This is a very intriguing documentary as it includes unseen footage of the major fraud on who wants a millionaire. I found this very interesting and i presume as would many others, this may attract them to watch it as it has not been aired before.  I would class this as an observational documentary as it goes in chronological order of the events which took place that night. 

The target audience for this programme would be anyone who has an interest in the show " who wants to be a millionaire". Although it may attract other viewers as it is a programme about major fraud. This documentary also includes a soundtrack which would be recognized by many. It is used on every show of " who wants to be a millionaire", it is played repeatedly throughout the documentary. Here is a clip of the soundtrack:

Throughout the documentary is includes a verity of different interviews of members of cast whom were there when the incident took place. These interviews were taken place at the studio where the programme was filmed. As it included plenty of them it is beneficial as my documentary is interview heavy. 

"Super Size Me"

This documentary is about real life events where a male chose to eat Fast Food over a time period. As it is about real life events it includes real footage from the time itself, this is may interest viewers to watch as it may make them feel much more involved. You would expect young adults to watch this, as this is something which may not interest the older ages.  This is not normally a documentary which i would be intrested in, although i wanted to a wide verity of examples in order to carry out the best research possible.

Straight away it shows a popular convention with the use of real life footage, this may attract viewers as it intrigues them as it actually happened.  I would say that this is a poetic documentary as it is about a males personal life, it also includes direct interviews and real life footage of him.  In  a way it also links in and talks about the rest of worlds as it suggests and gives information about what fast food can do to you, this may also intrigue people to watch as it is something which millions eat everyday.

BBC - Miracle of the Hudson Plane Crash 

This documentary which i watched, it is about the horrific tragedy of the Hudson Plane Crash. Throughout the documentary it includes video of those whom were involved with the crash, also footage from the crash itself, it also includes re constructed footage as the whole thing was not caught on camera.

The target audience for this documentary in my opinion would be middle aged adults, this was beneficial to me as this is the same target audience for my documentary. It allowed me to gain knowledge of how to target this audience. Throughout the documentary it includes a voice over of which explains all about the plane crash, giving the viewers further detail of the incident. In my opinion this is a performative documentary as anyone who was watching it, could have been in this horrific tragedy.  It is a fascinating documentary as it is a real life story which changed the lives of hundreds. This may be classed similar to the documentary which i will be making, although not as horrific, England leaving the EU will still cause dramatic influences on many peoples lives.

'Xtreme Waterparks: Building the Worlds Tallest'

This is an emotional documentary about a tragic accident which took place at Xtreme Water-parks. It would have a small target audinece to those who are intrested or intrigued about these kind of parks. It tells a story of how this incident came into place, therefor i believe that this is a observational documentary as it is a real life story.

The documentary is led by the presenters on screen, whom of which are the builders who made the ride. This may engage viewers to watch as they feel that they are watching the documentary first hand. One of the conventions in this documentary is that it goes through the events in chronological order.  This allows for the story to unfold as the viewers are watching it, which may make them want to carry on watching. Throughout the documentary it uses real life footage which makes it feel more real for the viewers, which may also make them emotionally attached. This was helpful watching this as i in my documentary i will be using footage first hand which i have filmed. It allowed me to have an insight on how others edit there footage into a documentary.
I found this documentary eye opening, as it is an emotional as it could happen to anyone.

The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler

This documentary explores Hitlers rises and falls. It goes over, how he came into power and the consequences which he faced. 

This is an historical documentary, this may be seen as the most common documentary. One of the main conventions of this is that there is a constant voice over which tells the story throughout. This is something which i aim to use in my documentary.  The voice over allows for a more detailed overview of what has took place. The target audience for this documentary may be big, aiming at those who have an interest in the past, although it may attract more than that as it is something which effected millions of people, which we have learnt about in today's society. 

I found this documentary extremely interesting as i am intrested in past events which effected the world. The post popular device of this documentary is the use of real life footage. This may attract viewers as it gives them a closer incite to these past events.


This documentary shows the artist Chris Burden who took creative expression to the limits, who also risked his own life in the name of art. This documentary uses interviews and both real and fake footage, which is a good example of what should be shown in a documentary as it is about real life events. The one piece of art which he took to extreme was when he asked someone to shoot him, the bullet was only suppose to graze his arm but the gunmen missed and had shot him in the arm. This showed that Burden was ready to sacrifice his own life for art. This is a biography as it is about real life events.
Even though this is not a right genre of documentary for my own documentary it was important for me to gather as much information from as many different documentaries. This documentary allowed me to look at different codes and conventions to what should be used in a documentary.

Never Say Never ( Justin Bieber) 

This documentary follows the life of Justin Bieber, from when he first began the interest all the way to one of his biggest performances at Madison square garden. This is an observational documentary which includes personal details, and behind the scene films of his success. This documentary would be aimed at/ have a target audience of those who have interest in Justin's life or the music itself, as this documentary looks at Justin when he was much younger i would expect the target audience to be young teenagers.

The majority of the documentary talks about Justin, but does not hold any interviews with him until the end of the documentary. Instead it involves a verity of interviews with other people in the documentary such as his family or the team working behind Justin,. This is one of the main conventions of a documentary. Another convention which this documentary uses is the use of footage, this is shown from when Justin was much younger  before he was famous, all the way to when he is preforming in different arenas. The documentary is in chronological order, as said before it looks at his early life then progressing to when he is famous and preforming in front of thousands.

If you would like to watch my final documentary please  click here.

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