Our Documentary: Final Piece

After in depth-research into the codes and conventions of what should be included in a documentary this was the final piece which we were able to produce.

Thing we did well?

  • Throughout this process i believe that we were able to tell the story of Brexit, through good camera angles. This with a verity of shots of around London which is where you would typically expect a documentary on Brexit to be located. 
  • The use of music throughout the documentary broke it up and allowed it flow smoother, as we did not want just Mr Lefory talking throughout as this may not draw the viewers. If you would like to listen to this music please click here to be directed to the page.
  • The montage at the start of the documentary sets the scene of what the documentary is about, it allows it to flow rather than going straight into it.

 What did not go so well?

  • Throughout the interviews there is a slight buzzing noise, as we only has one session with Mr Lefory we were unable to remove the sound completely. Although we tried to edit it out on audacity there was no way of removing it. 

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