Documentary - Extras

Ways of making our target audience aware of our documentary:


It is important that we make sure that our target audience are aware of our documentary. It is important that we use the correct sources in order to reach those whom we want to watch our documentary. In this case we have a wide target audience. As our documentary is about something which is happening in todays society we hope to have all ages above the ages of 18 watching as it is something which potentially will effect them. We think that it will be most popular with the older generations as our documentary is about politics. Facebook is something that millions of used on a large scale as millions of us have access to it. We think by making a Facebook page, will allow for those to know about our documentary in more ways then just a radio and newspaper advertisement.

We have produced a Facebook page, this will be shown on everyone's Facebook page of the right hand side. This allows for everyone to have access to it. This means that anyone whom may have an interest in it, can find out valuable information about the documentary, for example what channel they can find it on and what time it will be aired. Also some of the main topics which you can expect to see in the documentary such as BREXIT.

This is our Facebook page:

As you can see we have had plenty of comments, this is very beneficial to us as we are able too give a response which will help those and help encourage them to watch our documentary.  We have also been given some positive responses such as " Looks Great, Cant wait to watch it!!" This is great for us to hear as we know our advertisement on Facebook was a success as we know that we have received plenty of comments and likes. 

 If you would like to view our Facebook page, please click here.


Another way in which we want to promote our documentary is through Twitter. Twitter is a form social media just like Facebook. Even though Twitter Is not used as often by the older generations it is important to us that we can advertise as much as possible, by using Twitter will allow us to do this.  We have our own Twitter page which people will be able to search for but will also be advertised on the left hand side of the page and the search bar on Twitter. By using Twitter will allow for our aimed audience to ask questions about our documentary, which we are more than happy to answer.

Here is the Twitter page which we created, also some of the comments which we have received from some of our target audience:

Some of the questions and responses which we received were:

  • Is this being shown on the BBC or will we be able to watch it on catch up?
  • What time can we find this at?
  • Does this documentary involve political influences from America?
From these questions we are able to provide valuable pieces of information which will allow for those whom are interested in the documentary to watch it and get involved.  It may also allow them to look at our other ways of advertisement such as Facebook as it will be linked into the page. 

Trailer: ( BBC - Advertisement )

As well as social media there are plenty of other ways which we can promote and advertise our documentary. We have decided to make a short trailer for our documentary as well as our Newspaper Advertisement and Radio Trailer. We believe that it important that we us as many things as possible in order to meet our target audience. Our  trailer consists of small clips which will be shown in our documentary, also some clips which not be shown in our documentary as we do not want to be repetitive. This will give our audience a deeper incite to what our documentary has to offer.

This trailer will be shown on the BBC between advertisements of other shows. This will be because those which are watching the channels on the BBC may also be interested in our documentary.

These are the places/ areas  which we took the pictures and videos which will be shown in our trailer for the documentary " A Close Call for Britain".


Big Ben
Hyde Park
Members of Parliement
Buckingham Palace  


Gas Street Basin

Before we started to edit and put together our television advertisement we went to both London and Birmingham to take clips which we may include in our advertisement. We wanted to have a verity of different clips which we could experiment with. Here are some of clips which we gathered on our trip.

As well as different clips which we may use, we needed to find suitable copyright free music which could be played in the background of our advertisement. We looked around different sites such as Youtube and soundcloud, we found 2 different tracks which could be use in this advertisement:

We chose the second piece of music as this fit best when editing our clips together, also most suitable with the theme of our documentary. 

Here is our final Advertisement trailer:

As well as our advertisement trailer being found on the BBC through advertisements, our trailer will also be found on other uses of technology such as YouTube.

YouTube is something which millions of us use, you will be able to find our advertisement by simply typing it into to YouTube.

Another place where you will be able to watch/ view our television advertisement is on the BBC, this will be shown through out the advertisements which will be shown during other programmes on the BBC.

As well as our advertisement and our final documentary being shown on the BBC, our viewers will be able to find the documentary on catch up, this will be so any of those who are intrested and unable to watch at 9 pm, it will be available to them at another time.

We will provide our viewers with the option to watch on BBC Iplayer to make sure that we get our full potential audience.

If you would like to watch our Final Documentary please click here.

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