Newspaper Advertisement

What is a newspaper Advertisement?

A newspaper advertisement appears along a regular editorial content. They are usually used to promote business related products/ services. Although they can be used to promote documentaries. 

Here are some examples of newspaper advertisements: 
" Confessions"
They don't always need to be full of information, they can be simple with just an image and just the important information. They can sometimes be half a page over covered over a few. 

Chip Advertisement.


There are plenty of ways which Documentaries can be advertised, Newspaper advertisements being one of them. In recent years Newspaper advertising has become more popular as Newspapers can be viewed online.

There can be different types of newspaper advertising, including:
  • Business Advertising
  • Product Advertising
  • Job Advertisement
  • Service Advertising
  • Film / TV Programme Advertisement.
Even though there are many different types they are all there for the same reason, to persuade the views or encourage them to do or watch something. Depending on where you choose to put your advertisement will make a difference to whom sees it.

The main conventions of a newspaper advertisement:

  • Main Focal picture.
  • Prominent Title.
  • Logo.
  • Name.
  • Contact info ( depending on what type of advertisement )
  • The Price ( in case of product )
  • Times and Dates. ( in case of a programme )
Here is one which i have annotated:

Conventions in a Newspaper Advertisement:


Our Newspaper Advertisement:

For our Newspaper Advertisement we had decided to do a double spread print. This will allow for two large images to show what our documentary entails. It is important that we pick pictures which will be most suitable for the documentary. We need to make sure that the pictures that we pick stand out and intrigue our viewers which as there are similar documentaries.

The first page which we decided to start on was based on the main topic of the documentary which was ' BREXIT '. We needed a picture which would give clues on what the documentary was about but not give it all away. Here are some of the pictures which we took ourselves, also ones which we found from the internet.

'House of Commons'
'Parliament / Big Ben'

'Big Ben' - ( Low Angle )


' Shot of London'

The image that we chose to be in our newspaper advertisement was the one in the middle ( ' Big Ben' ) . We thought that it would be most suitable, even though it does not include a wider image of parliament like some of the other photos, we thought that this photo had a good angle and would be different and stand out to what you would normally see. This was an image which I took my left during my visit to London. I believe that this is right for out documentary advertisement as even though it is not the main attraction of the capital it still gives plenty of information of what the documentary is about.

For our second half of our Newspaper advertisement we have chosen to talk about the recent election which took place in America. This where Donald Trump came into power after Obama being in power for a number of years. This has come to a shock to many people as Donald Trump is not to everyone's taste. We think that this is a very good topic to include into our documentary as many people are intrigued by the matter and how they will be affected by it. In order to represent the change of Donald Trump coming into power we needed to pick a picture which would resemble this. Here are some of the pictures which we chose from:

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Election Box
Donald Trump.

As you can tell the main focus for our picture picking was with Donald Trump. We think that a large picture of him will interest viewers more than it would If it was an ordinary picture of America.  He is someone which everyone wants to know about and by putting a picture just of him will show our viewers that he is spoken about in large detail which is something which many people are interested in.

The picture which we chose  was the bottom right one. We believed that this was a picture which would attract viewers and show the power which Donald Trump has gained from becoming president.

After we had decided on the two pictures which we were going to us:

Image - Page 1
Image - Page 2.

We needed to think of things which we would write on our two pictures. The things which we needed to include in our Newspaper advertisement were the time and date were people would be able to view it.  We had already decided on a time of 9 O'clock on the BBC.

Here are the two quotes which we used on both pages 1 and 2.

Jeremy Lefory - " I wasn't surprised that the results were so close. Obviously I would have hoped it was the other way around "

Donald Trump - "Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken".

This is our first drafts:

Page 1:

The first pages includes valuable information about the first half of the documentary which is about BREXIT. It also involves what you can expect to know from the documentary for example the effects which it has on businesses. It also have a quote from Mr Lefory himself.

Page 2:

Page 2 includes information about the second half of the documentary, this is how the new election in the USA  may effect us a country. For example how it may effect trade. There is also a direct quote from Mr Trump himself. As this is the second and the last page it includes where people can expect to find our documentary, at 9PM on the BBC.

Final Advertisement: 

As you can see from our newspaper advertisement we have added our links to both our Facebook page and twitter, this will show other ways our audience can gather information about our documentary/

After we had made our newspaper advertisement we needed to think of what newspaper would be most suitable for our advertisement to be printed. There are plenty of newspapers out there but we needed to pick the one would be read by our target audience. The ones which we narrowed it down to were:

Overall we believed that the most suitable for our newspaper advertisement to be placed would be in the Daily Mail. This because it is a well known and well read newspaper which our target audience are most likely to read. Also because it covers plenty of political information which is what our documentary is all about. 

If you would like to view our final documentary please click here.

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