Our Documentary: Planning and Production

Documentary  Plan

Ideas for Documentary: 

At the very beginning on the process when deciding on what we would do our media project on we thought of different topics which we were both interested in. This consisted of:
  • Health Care.
  • Disability.
  • Human Rights.
  • Politics.
  • History.
  • Travel.
Our Very first idea was to do our documentary about traveling. As Kerry was visiting Bali and I was visiting Mexico in the same year we thought that it would be a good opportunity to get some great footage.


Although this seemed like a good idea to begin with, we found it difficult to think of a topic about these places and travel which would be suitable for a documentary. Therefor we moved on to look at other ideas.

As well as brain storming of what it should be about we looked for places which may inspire us of what to do it about. This consisted of:



After visiting different places we thought it would be a good idea to do it on the current issues which are taking place in Britain.

Being intrigued by politics also as it is a very important topic at the moment we decided that it would be a good idea to base our documentary around Britain leaving the European Union. Even though there are similar documentaries we thought we would bring something different with exclusive interviews with members of parliament. One person that stood out to us was Jeremy Lefroy. He is a British Conservative Party politician who has been a member of parliament for Stafford constituency since 2010 general election, therefor it would be easy for us to get in contact with him.

He would be our main interviewee but our documentary would also involve other  members of important parties. We knew by choosing such an important person there would be many complications when asking for his time and help. The way in which we got in contact with him was through email. Shown in the image below.

After this email we got a reply from one of Mr Lefroys assistants which accepted our request. We were delighted to be informed that he would come and do an exclusive for us. We had arranged a date which was both suitable for both us and himself.

After receiving the news that Jeremy Lefoy was able to be in our documentary we decided to come up with a direct plan of the places where it would be filmed, the questions which we would ask, the camera angles and names. Here is a basic plan for our documentary.

These are the basic ideas which we had come up with:

1) A montage of images/ videos of London as this is the capital also where parliament is which is a big part of our documentary.

2) This shows the introduction of Mr Lefroy, introducing himself, telling in small detail who is he.

3)This is where the interview will commence with the questions used below.

4) As the interview proceeds we will continually make cuts forward and back from the interview to home footage, as we did not want to have a full documentary of just one angle from Mr Jeremy Lefory.

5) This will be the same as part 4, as this will continue throughout the documentary.

6) At the end of the interview with Mr Lefory we will show our final home made footage to come to a end to the interview, also to conclude on what the interview entailed.


After receiving the news that Mr Lefroy would be able to be part of our documentary, we needed to begin thinking of the questions which we would be asking him. It is important that we choose lengthy questions in order to get the best response instead of yes or no answers We came up with 15 questions which we then narrowed down to 5. These were the questions which we asked during the interview:

After reviewing the questions which we had picked, we thought that it would be a good idea to add another question about the current events happening in America, about the president Donald Trump. We thought that this would attract and interest our target audience, also if we were to produce our full documentary this would be our next topic.

Overall with the questions which we choose we were able gain a variety of information which allowed for a deeply informative interview which would be perfect for our target audience. In an overview these questions allowed us to have a clearer understanding of Brexit and the influences which it will have on us as a society.

Names for Documentary:

To start the process of planning our documentary we thought of many different names which would appeal to our target audience ( the middle age). It was important to use that we used a title which would stand out from the rest making it highly appealing as this is something which is highly popular at the moment. Although these other documentaries do not entail what ours will it is still important that we attract the right audiences. An example of a similar documentary could be:

 In order to make ours stand out we drafted some names out, building on them until we came up with the most appropriate and fitting for our documentary. Here is the plan which we came up with:

After mind- mapping a variety of different names we came to a conclusion that we would call our documentary " A close call for Britain".  We thought this name would stand out and attract our target audience. By using this relates to the actual topic itself, as when it came down to the final vote whether Britain would leave the EU or not it was 52% to leave and 48% to stay. This was very close for Britain therefore this is where we got our idea for the title.

Location for filming:

There were many different places that we could of shot our documentary. We looked at various locations which would be suitable for a meeting environment. The room we thought would be most suitable to shoot our interview with Mr Lefroy was in a meeting room in Walton High School. The room included a large table and plenty of chairs; as shown in the image below:

When we had found our perfect location, we decided it would be the perfect time to set up and have trail runs, looking at the different camera angles and making sure that the sound was heard to a high standard. It was a very big room it was important that the sound did not Eco and if it did then we need to try and find a solution around this. The room which we had chosen had a long table with chairs around it. In order to get the best angle we moved things around including the camera and chairs until we were happy. Here is a basic birds eye view of the layout we choose, including where each of us would be:

When we had found the perfect angle we then did short test clips making sure the quality of the camera and sound was how we wanted. This was the layout we had decided on as it was a clear shot of where Mr Lefroy would be sat. We were content with the angle shown below:

After testing out the room for sounds we came to the conclusion that in order to get the sound quality that we wanted we needed a microphone, not just the simple microphone used from the camera. This was the microphone which we used:

This extra microphone made a massive difference to the way which our documentary will sound as we had come to the conclusion that the sound from the camera itself was not good enough. This made our documentary of a higher quality as it allowed Mr Lefory to be heard to a higher standard. Even though watching these interviews back we gathered a low buzzing noise, although we were unable to over come this as we has one time slot with Mr Lefroy. This is something we would change if we were to do it again.

Filming day:


As it was a interview we were filming it was important to look smart. Mr Lefroy is an important man who portrays himself in a suitable way. He arrived in a suit which was perfect for the role he was taking in our documentary.
Here is an image of me, Kerry and Mr Lefroy after filming:


As we had found the room which we would be doing the filming in, it was important that we made sure the lighting was effective. There were many different ways which we tried to resolve this. As it was a very large room full with windows there was already plenty of light. Although in order to get the perfect lightening we experimented with an extra light, using it from many different angles. Here was the extra light which we used;

We tried moving it around the room allowing it to bounce of different objects as we found directly pointing it at Mr Lefory was too bright. In the end we used a white board which reflected the light around the room perfectly.

Camera angles- 

When going through our trial runs for filming we looked at many different camera angles and which one would be most suitable. After doing heavy research into the different camera angles used in interviews we came up with the perfect angle which would angle which Mr Lefory would be shown in. A wide angle showing the full top half of Mr Lefroy and the microphone to the right of him.

Here are some pictures of myself when experimenting when using the camera.  We spent time making sure the angle was correct, which would make it easier when setting up the day of filming.

This was the main camera which we used for filming, in order to keep the same angle throughout we put it on a camera stand.

 As it would be left at this exact angle we thought it was important to use another camera which one of use would be able to walk around the room with while the other spoke to Mr Lefory. This was not the only camera which we used to capture the different angles of Mr Lefroy.  This extra camera allowed use to take close up on Mr Lefroy instead of having the same shot throughout.
Here is the camera which we used to walk around the room, it was easy to hold and do all the necessary shots on Mr Lefroy.


There first part of filming which I carried out was in London, this was for the introduction of our documentary. We wanted to gather a few shots around the city which we could use before we got into our interview with Mr Lefroy. They are taken on the smaller camera, we looked at them and edited them to make the decision or not whether to use them in the documentary.

Also with the smaller camera i took different clips of Mr Lefory, this zooming in and out on him which allowed us to get other angles than just the one camera which remained still throughout.

We edited these clips, and choose the most suitable ones to use in the documentary.

As well as the clips which we filmed ourselves there was one clip which we used from you-tube with right permission from the owner.

This is the clip which we did not record ourselves but used in our documentary:

We only used the section from 4.08 - 4.15. This shows a time lapse of members of parliament.


After we had filmed all the clips for our documentary we needed to begin thinking of the music which we would use in our documentary. We looked on YouTube on copyright free music. 
Here are the ones which we decided to use:

This piece of music will be used throughout the documentary, it will be in the background at a quiet volume so you are able to hear the interviews with our exclusive individuals. I believe that this is a suitable soundtrack for our documentary. 

This is the other piece of music which we will be using in our documentary:

This soundtrack will be used at the very start of the documentary before the interviews begin, it is an upbeat piece of music which suits the documentary start perfectly. 

To watch our end piece please Click here.

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